Three Prices for Using a Commercial Tanning Bed

The use of tanning has grown in popularity as a year-round method of maintaining a healthy glow. You can look your best by using a commercial tanning bed, but what are the costs involved with that gorgeous, bronzed look? The price of tanning time or purchasing your bed and indoor tanning products must be taken into account.

Time Spent in the Salon Tanning

The cost of tanning booth time can add up. Depending on where you reside and how long you spend in the booth during one session, the price can reach $20. Since most tanners begin by going a few times each week, these expenses can certainly build up quickly. After tanning for a while, your sessions won't need to be as regular, but you might still easily spend thousands of dollars annually.

The hidden costs of tanning are also included but are not frequently taken into account. The cost of gas and the time spent in the automobile as well as the fact that you will need to go to the salon are hidden expenses.

Purchasing a Commercial Tan Bed

Some people search for tanning beds for sale to purchase their beds. By doing this, you won't have to worry about scheduling appointments or taking the time to drive to the salon.

However, purchasing a bed is not quite cost-free. You must take into account the price of the bed itself as well as any maintenance expenditures, such as those for new light bulbs, cleaning supplies, and electricity utilized to run the machine. To replace the bulbs in some machines, you need a maintenance specialist with specialized training, but it's simple enough for almost anyone to accomplish.


The lotion is a crucial component of tanning, whether you choose to do it at home or in a salon. Even though the lotion can be expensive, it's crucial to purchase and utilize lotion made specifically for tanning beds. Tanners apply a lotion made specifically to reduce the drying effects of the light bulbs without harming the acrylic surface of the tanning bed.

Costs are involved with tanning at home and in salons with commercial tanning beds. You must decide which course of action is best for you. Whatever option you select, don't forget to purchase and apply lotion to safeguard your skin and the bed's surface.


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