Cleaning the Hospital Supplies Properly

Medical supplies are the most important instrument for the doctors to give the optimal examination. They must be in a perfect condition to protect any infections for the patients. However, you should clean them properly and immediately so that the debris, all dirt, and tissue could be removed completely. There are three important phases to clean hospital supplies properly. The phases are the initial cleaning, disinfecting, and sterilization.

Step 1
The first thing you should do is cleaning the visible soil by scrubbing the instruments carefully. To get an optimal cleaning, you could use water and soap or detergent to wash them. It has proven that cleaning using water and soap is the effective way to remove the excess particles.

Step 2
Using a jet of cold water is another effective way to clean the medical supplies. You could start to rinse them under the cold water to eliminate loose particles. It also would be good to increase the temperature of the water because it would be useful to kill the pathogens easily.

Step 3
The next is disinfecting the medical instruments by boiling them gently. Put the hospital supplies inside a rolling boil pot of water. Create a gentle boil to any damages of medical supplies. After have boiled for one minute, take them out of the pot by using disinfected pickups. You have to make sure that they are placed in a proper place such as disinfected tray.

Step 4
The last phase is by removing the medical supplies in an autoclave machine. It is important to sterilize them inside the autoclave in a high temperature up to 250 degrees Fahrenheit in an early 20 minutes. Thus, for another five minutes, you could continue to raise the temperature up to 275 degrees. This step is really efficient to kill the viruses or the spores.



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